Kylie Jenner is one that comes to mind because she started her own makeup line and sold it on the internet without the help of investors, advertisers or commercial brands. It all started as something she loved to do and it turned into a billion dollar empire. With the help of her mother Kris Jenner - Kylie has broken barriers in what it means to be a solo entrepreneur.
Do you prefer to try a product that a friend is wearing or one that a corporation is promoting?
Most likely you are one who follows your favorite TV personalities from YouTube. I have lots of videos that I like to watch of beauty reviews and I always find it reassuring to know that what I was thinking about a product is also what others are saying as well.
Here is a list of some of the famous persons who have started their own or endorse other companies.
Gigi Hadid - Maybelline with the Jetsetter Palette
Lilly Rose - for Chanel lip gloss
Huda Beauty - by Huda Kattan a beauty blogger and makeup artist
Jennifer Aniston - for Aveeno Moisturizer
Paris Hilton - launched Skincare Pro DNA
Jennifer Lopez - represents Inglot Cosmetics
Gwyneth Paltrow - Natural Organic Skincare - Juice Beauty Brand
Little Mix - Makeup Line LMX
Kim Kardashian - Launches KKW Beauty
Madonna - MDNA Skincare Line
Cindy Crawford - Meaningful Beauty
Kim Kardashian - Launches KKW Beauty
Madonna - MDNA Skincare Line
Cindy Crawford - Meaningful Beauty
This list is just a sample of the many actors, actresses, singers, that I found. if you want to see a more detailed list that I put together you can check out my curation site that lets publishers create webpages for free. You can see the many names of famous people who have endorsed, wear or sell their own makeup lines. From what I have seen so far many of these companies being started are brand new and only 2 years or less since development.
Influencers on Social Media
As you can see there are several famous celebrities who have become brand ambassadors to some of the biggest makeup cosmetic companies in the world. Just recently it was reported that Kylie Cosmetics has made Kylie Jenner a billionaire from sales on Snapchat.The singer and actress Rihanna has made headlines for starting a makeup company called Fenty that is all inclusive of all skincare pigments from dark to light.
Also younger generations are buying makeup online by means of social media. It is this group that has gained the attention of many makeup manufacturers and distributors looking to profit off this new social experience.
Should only people with money wear makeup?
I always thought that makeup was something that woman who were sophisticated, wealthy and privileged could afford, not realizing that the scene had changed. It is not only for those with money and economical status. Due to the recession many woman are turning to cosmetics as a form of escaping their daily life routine. With makeup these men and woman can be another version of themselves.
Interestingly when I started researching about makeup and how it is perceived in society it was surprising to find that personality development is a big part of who we are as individuals. That being said it is from this that a person will feel more confident or they will think of ways that they can improve their appearance so as to be appealing to others and to themselves.
Many of the biggest global beauty brands are having to come up with a new way to reach consumers who buy products on social media. Companies like: Olay, Avon, LOreal, Neutrogena, Nivea, Lancôme, Dove, Estee Lauder, Biore, and Shiseido are on the radar as the top beauty brands in the world. Just look at Wikipedia they have a business summary and history of how long these companies have been in business. Some have been around for over 50 years, which shows that these brands have lasted the test of time, providing quality and value to loyal consumers. What is your favorite brand? How long have you been using their products?
Celebrity skincare and beauty lines are receiving lots of buzz in the media right now, but why is makeup suddenly the latest trend? could it be that we are living in a generation of woman and men who put more importance on how they look than what they do? or could it be because of selfies, smartphones and the constant need to share our lives with the world while looking our best.
I think it is the latter, mobile phones and social sharing has created a need for users to find ways to look flawless, and makeup is a tool that can help them achieve that goal. Now if you add that to the many famous faces in the world you have a perfect combination for success. Tv personalities, musicians and movie stars all have one thing in common, they are recognizable from all over the world with many fans.
Big corporations have always used them to represent their products. It is a sure fire way to make money. Lately celebrities are adding the term "entrepreneur" to their resume and are starting small businesses. One of the easiest businesses to start is a makeup product, because there is no over head everything can be stock, shipped and sold online. There is no need for a brick and mortar store. Having the global reach and immediately connectivity of the internet has turned many of these television stars into multi-millionaires over night. A good example of this is from the recent success of Fenty cosmetics from Rihanna.
Keep an eye out on this space as I am sure there will be more to come in the future of celebrity makeup collaborations